
+971 55 479 0599

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Office 789R + QC Al Khabaisi -Dubai UAE

Get Your Dream Destination


Realize your dreams in Europe by setting achievable goals

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NMG Ventures LLC Group

We will make your Dreams Come True

We believe in providing world-class service, expertise, and guidance to individuals looking to live, work and migrate to leading European Countries.


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or Resume to us.


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Payment Receipt


We will Process Work
Permit Right Away


What We Offer

Poland Work Visa

We provide limitless job opportunities for your chosen destination in Europe.

What we Offer

We provide free accommodation, free transport, free medical insurance, and free on-duty meal along with job. Company offer flexible working arrangements, such as flexible hours, to help employees balance their work and personal lives. Else then these benefits, Poland is a country which provides you PR in 5 years.


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Process and Detail

The Visa process requires not just specialized legal advice but also expertise, knowledge & professional insights about the rules, regulations, and documentation. We offer guidance at every step to ensure a seamless visa process and make you successful.
Submit application form
Provide Initial documents as per guided by our visa experts.
1st Installment
1st Installment of the Visa application fee will be paid at the start of the process to continue the Visa application.
Work Permit Processing

Working visa permit requires: min: 6 - 7 weeks max: 3 months

2nd Installment

After the work permit is released, we will go for embassy registration, for which you have to pay 2nd installment of the fee.

Embassy Registration

All the documents will be prepared and will be submitted to the embassy. Embassy will do a draw every week.

Final Payment

After the embassy appearance date, the applicant has to pay the last remaining payment.

Vista Stamp

After the submission of documents, Embassy issues a visa and stamp on the passport, which takes approximately 2-3 weeks.


We are Growing more and more Every day ...

Our customer base is growing steadily, with more and more people discovering our services every day. We’re committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers and ensuring our growth continues.


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